Frequently Asked Questions
What grades does Dishman Hills serve?
We serve students in grades 8-12. Students may attend public high schools through the year they turn 21. We work with students to ensure this is the best fit based on age, credits, and post-high school plans.
What schedule is available for students at Dishman Hills?
There are two different session times depending on grade they are in:
- 8th, Freshman and Sophomores: Noon to 3:30pm
- Juniors and Seniors: 8:30am to 11:30am
Students attend these classes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Students are required to attend on Wednesday if they are off track in any classes. These sessions are from 10:00am - 1:00pm. You and your student will be contacted if they need to attend.
What is the daily schedule for students at Dishman Hills?
Students have three classes and end the day in their mentor class.
Does Dishman have breakfast or lunch for students?
Dishman offers free breakfast and lunch for all students.
Does Dishman Hills High School Have a Virtual Only Option?
We work hard to provide options that work for students and families based on their unique needs. Please complete the application so we can have the full picture of your student's academic needs to help determine the best placement. The virtual program has a student cap and may not be available for your student.
What makes a student successful at Dishman Hills?
Successful students are responsible and independent. Dishman has a shorter class day than traditional high schools which means being absent has a high impact. A successful Dishman student attends class regularly and will follow up with teachers for any missing work when they miss class. Dishman does not have school buses so students will need to utilize resources such as the STA bus system, drive themselves or get a ride to school.
You can support your student by:
- Signing up for alerts from Skyward & ParentSquare
- Supporting your student in getting to school, including Wednesday sessions as needed
- Having communication with your student’s mentor
Can you take students with IEPs, 504s, or Language support plans?
Yes. We work hard to ensure that multilingual learners, or students with an IEP, or 504, can be served well in our program. We encourage you to reach out to us before applying to discuss options for your student.
What supports are available at Dishman Hills?
Dishman is a smaller school and does not have the same level of support that other high schools may have. We do not have paraeducators, school nurses, one-on-one support, or access to intensive programs. We want your student to have a successful educational experience and we may not enroll your student if they need a higher level of support than what Dishman can provide. Dishman maintains a clothing closet, food bank, and access to a social worker to help access additional resources as needed.
Does Dishman Hills require attendance? Is there a truancy board?
Yes, attendance is required. Our Re-Engagement Board works with students and families to identify barriers to attendance and to find ways to remove them. Our Re-Engagement board includes a school administrator, a school social worker and a pool of community members.
What Sports Options Do Students at Dishman Hills Have?
Students are able to participate in sports at their neighborhood high school or through West Valley High School.
How will my student get to and from school?
Dishman does not have school buses so students will need to use the STA bus system, walk, drive themselves or get a ride to school. STA offers a free bus pass to students 18 years old or younger. Please make sure that there is a realistic method of transportation for your student to get to school on time. You can use the free Whiz app or Google Maps to help plan travel via STA.
Graduation, Diplomas and State Testing FAQs
How many credits do students need to graduate?
Students at Dishman Hills are held to the same credit requirements as other students in Washington State. The State Board of Education sets the graduation requirements by graduation year. To look up the requirements, click here
Will students get a regular diploma?
Yes, Dishman Hills High School is a state-recognized public school and students will receive a regular high school diploma.
What about state testing?
Students at Dishman Hills are required to meet the same requirements for graduation as other students in our state. Students must meet these requirements by completing one option for English and one for Math. The graduation options for students at Dishman Hills are below:
Enrollment FAQs
What Are Some Reasons My Student Would Not Be Accepted?
Dishman Hills High School is not a neighborhood school. Students apply to Dishman and may be accepted as a choice student if we have room and can meet the student's needs in our program. Dishman Hills High School is part of the West Valley School District and has specific board policies about the acceptance of students that live outside of the district. Reasons a student may not be accepted based on board policy can be found here WVSD Board Policy 3141 Non-Resident Students
What Do I Do If My Student Is Not Accepted?
We are so glad you are interested in our school. We think this is a pretty amazing place to prepare yourself for your future. Because we are a small choice program, we cannot take every student that applies.
We understand that rejection is never easy. If we cannot take your student, it does not mean we won't ever be able to take them. Students are welcome to reapply for consideration once per semester.
If we cannot take your student, you will be notified by email at the address you provide in your application. Because we process thousands of applications each year, we are unable to accommodate individual phone calls or meetings with students or parents that have not been accepted. Please connect with your neighborhood counselor to continue enrollment there or to learn about other programs available to you in your resident district.
What Happens If My Student Is Accepted?
If your student is accepted, you will be notified via the email provided in the application. Enrollment paperwork will be sent to the email and once completed, the student will be entered into our system and called for a scheduling appointment.
What Happens If I Haven't Heard If My Student Is Accepted or Denied?
If you've waited more than a week with no status update, please contact the office to ensure we have the correct email address for you.