McKinney Vento » McKinney-Vento HEART Program Goals and Services

McKinney-Vento HEART Program Goals and Services

Program Goals:

  • Maintain consistency in the educational process while living in transitional or temporary housing.
  • Provide the same educational opportunities to students in temporary and transitional housing situations as other students receive.
  • Engage parents, school and community as full partners in the educational process of students in transitional and temporary housing.
  • Provide a connection between school and home.

Program Services:

  • Coordinate transportation arrangements for students to remain in their "school of origin".
  • Provide necessary school supplies.
  • Connect students and their parents with before and after-school programs in their district.
  • Facilitate assessment of children and youth in reading, writing and math to make transition to classroom easier and more productive.
  • Help school staff locate and compile records for students in temporary or transitional housing who are new to the district
  • Connect students and families with appropriate school district and community resources.
  • Facilitate orientation for new students and their parents to school.
  • Serve as a liaison between school, parents, students and community agencies to meet the educational needs of children and youth.
  • Communicate with schools about students in their building, and contact teachers, and school administrators about developing issues.
  • Maintain contact with school buildings to support students, staff and parents with issues that pertain to students in transitional and temporary housing situations.